Monday, May 28, 2012

Splash Moments

A short personal piece

Every time I approach a swimming pool, I’m a bit hesitant to go in.

I used to dip my toe in the water first, but I found that it makes me even more hesitant because the water feels like it’s freezing. After the toe, I would try to go in slowly, gradually exposing inch after inch of skin to the water. But each millimeter of skin cells hitting the water feels like a small electric shock of cold. Sometimes those small shocks would make me change my mind, and I wouldn’t get in the pool after all.

But once you’re in the water though, your body adjusts to the temperature. And after a little while, it feels fine —in fact, the water ends up feeling warm.

Now, I prefer to jump in to avoid the time I would waste on the gradual submersion and to avoid the possibility of not going in. You get one enormous jolt, yes, but it is over with much faster.

But now I hesitate before the jump. Why?

The jump represents something quite profound if you think about it.

Before the jump, you are completely dry. After, you are completely wet. And the change is sharp, sudden, and irreversible. Once you’re wet, you’re wet, and there’s no turning back.

But before that, there is the jump. Once your feet leave the ground to make the leap into the pool, you cannot undo it. In the brief suspension in the air, you cannot change your mind. You’re going into that pool whether you embrace the decision or regret it.

There are moments in life that are like this. Splash moments, I like to call them.

In these moments, a direct action on your behalf changes the course of your life. And once it’s done, it’s done. There is no turning back, no reversing the past. The action is the jump, and the subsequent life change is the splash.

I recently had 2 major splash moments.
  1. On December 10th, 2011 around 9PM, I jumped and asked Yenny’s parents for her hand in marriage and for their blessing.
  2. On December 17th, 2011 at approximately 9:45PM (plus or minus 3 minutes), I made the leap and asked Yenny to marry me.
Now I am in the water, and it feels fine. In fact, it feels very warm.

Yenny's Engagement Ring: A 1/2 karat brilliant cut heart-shaped diamond on a 14 karat yellow gold ring.

On My Fear of Saying F.M.L. & My Superstitious Side

A short humorous piece

F.M.L. “Fuck my life.”

I’m afraid of using this phrase.

If the phrase were “Fuck, my life,” as in “Aww fuck, my life sucks!” then I would use it. But that’s not how it’s used. It’s used as an imperative. “Hey, you, fuck my life.”

I’m not a particularly religious man; I do not believe in a Judeo-Christian conception of God or in a any sort of anthropomorphized deity for that matter (I am agnostic). Yet I fear saying things like FML because I imagine “God” hearing me say that, and responding to me, “Hey, you know what, Mauro? I think I might take you up on that. Sure, I’ll fuck your life… right now.”

And the next day, I look in the mirror and notice my hairline is receding, and for the next few weeks, I start balding rapidly. And consequently my girlfriend (Correction: fiancée) starts to find me less attractive, slowly loses interest in me, and falls out of love with me.

OR the next day, while I’m at my favorite gym, I suddenly get immensely and violently painful abdominal cramps, and I shit my pants then and there for everyone to see. So I’ll never be able to return that gym again. And later, at home, after showering, I go to YouTube out of a need for escapism and find that me shitting my pants is the newest viral video laughingstock.

OR I imagine something much, much worse happening, something that I wouldn’t even want to think about.

So, to avoid these scenarios and their endless possibilities for pain, humiliation, and misery, I’ll do my best to avoid saying “fuck my life” whenever something bad happens.

So the next time I lose my keys, or roll my ankle playing basketball, or run out of milk when I crave cereal, I will instead say “Oh, goddamn it.”

On My Not-so Avuncular Relationship with Daniela

A short personal essay
Daniela's Quinceañera, May 12th, 2012

I am ten years older than my niece, Daniela.

I remember when she was first learning to speak, when she was about two or three —making me 12 or 13 —I would try to get her to call me Tio Mauro (Uncle Mauro in spanish). But she just wouldn’t. It never stuck. She would just call me Mauro. And I was fine with it. It didn’t bother me too much.

It is fitting, in fact, that she just call me Mauro.

The uncle is usually much older man than his niece, at least in the common conception of it. I’m picturing a man in his early twenties holding in his arms his infant niece, a man in his late twenties/early thirties playing board games or sports with the preteen child.

But I was a child when Daniela was an infant, a teen when she was a child, and a young adult now that she is a teen.

Daniela does not show me the proper reverence that should be automatically granted to your elders, the type of respect naturally due to a large generational gap. She does not behave in the shy, polite way I imagine a niece would act toward her uncle.

Instead, Daniela kicks me, punches me, slaps me, jokes with me, farts on me, throws crap at me, yells at me. She even hammered a Nintendo 64 controller on my testicles once when I was bragging about beating her at Mario Kart. And you know what? I do the same to her —except for hitting her in the balls for obvious physiological reasons. 

We treat each other disrespectfully, sure, but it’s the sort of disrespect born out of an intimacy made possible only through the comfort of closeness and familiarity, which stems naturally from so much time spent together.

I’ve coached her through Legend of Zelda games. We’ve played Mario Kart, Wii sports, Mario Bros. games, countless times together. We’ve gone to the park or right outside our houses to play basketball, throw around a frisbee or kick around a soccerball. We’ve run around the house pretending Daniela was Leon Kennedy and that I was a zombie. We’ve watched hundreds of episodes of Tosh.o and Family Guy and Friends. How many times has she “forced” me to watch 13 Going on 30? We’ve re-enacted scenes of Austin Powers movies. We’re obsessed by the same viral videos and by RAAAAAAAANDY! and Jenna Marbles. We play amateur violin/guitar duets and post them on youtube with some degree of shame and embarrassment. We’ve made cakes and cupcakes and apple pies together and different kinds of pasta. We’ve gone to Sonic to eat at the drive-in, to Olive Garden to celebrate (or rather to take advantage of never-ending pasta bowl), to Costco to eat hotdogs/pizza, to Fuji Roll to eat Sushi, to Jack-in-the-Box to drink Coca-Cola Ice-cream floats and eat greasy 50 cent tacos, to Bakers to eat bean and cheese burritos. I’ve guided her through some of her homework throughout the years and given her advice on how to achieve scholastic success. We’ve even been coworkers. Yeah, we’ve done all sorts of stuff together.

So, no, Daniela does not show me that respect given to an uncle uncle.

But it’s OK.

After all, Daniela is not just my niece.

She is my little sister. And I am her older brother.

And I think she knows that now and has known it for probably as long as she can remember, even as a toddler forming her first words and sentences.

And that is, of course, why she does not call me Tio Mauro today and didn’t call me that then. You wouldn’t call your older brother that.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

A Biblical Interpretation of Increasing Income Inequality

A satirical & sarcastic piece

In one lecture for a sociology class, our professor, David Halle, played a clip of Santana's "Maria Maria" because it contained lyrics that he felt are expressive par excellence of a popular sentiment: that "as the rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer." He then proceeded to show us graphs, articles and essays to demonstrate the validity and accuracy of this claim. 

An infographic showing the trend reffered to in this piece

Among other things, he showed us how the marginal income gains of the top 10 or 15% of income earners far outstripped the gains of (or even possibly losses) of the bottom 20% of income earners from the 1980s to the present, and how the ratio of C.E.O to Employee income increased from about a dozen:1 in the 1950s or so to hundreds:1 in the present day1.

It must be obvious that I do not recall the exact details of the data from the class. My apologies, professor. But the details are not particularly relevant.
This propensity for divergent financial incomes, however, is definite and the evidence for it as a general trend, especially in the face of burgeoning neo-liberal economic doctrine, is incontrovertible. The only disputable aspects to quibble about focus on the minutiae of details and the methodology used to procure the data2.

Clearly, wealth and income are being consolidated into the hands of the few, into the firm grasp of the notorious top 1% of wealthiest Americans and top 1% of income earners, whereas from below we face the diminution and gradual dissolution of the American middle class, a group of people that have money just slipping out of their, out of our, fingers. Obviously this is a problem, requiring immediate deliberation and action. We must dispatch the most intelligent of thinkers to ponder solutions to this.

Conservative American thinkers, the neo-liberal economists, believe in supply-side economics, which, briefly stated, provides incentives, in the form of tax breaks and reduced regulations, to suppliers or producers so that they will invest in our economy and the community, which will consequently provide jobs and therefore income for others.

That seems sensible enough until you ask yourself, if given these incentives, are they absolutely certain to invest? How can we be sure they will not use the tax breaks to invest elsewhere? How can we be sure the reduced regulations do not cause more harm in comparison to the benefit derived from them?

A large majority of these thinkers do not or will not consider this; they believe in its functionality so firmly it is unquestionable in their minds. When one encounters the dogma of these thinkers, it assumes an almost religious attitude, an obstinate, unwavering faith that it will work without fail.  Where does this religious fervor come from?

So they proceed to demand tax-breaks for the wealthiest, reductions in the inheritance tax, lowered capital-gains taxes and so on and so on.

When you think about these particular taxation policies in a different way, in layman’s terms, the logic behind them almost seems to defy common sense. It seems to be a strain of thought tantamount to saying “I’m going to make you richer by giving them more money! You get it?” Meanwhile, we’re all left scratching our heads trying to understand.

If this is how it seems to be in layman’s terms, then it makes you question why a considerable number of Christian conservatives vigorously support these policies. Am I missing a piece of the puzzle? Does the clockwork of my mind have a cog jammed or a screw loose?

Then, when I was thumbing through the bible as I do every now and then, I came upon The Beatitudes, and the puzzle piece issued forth, illuminated so brightly that it unjammed the cogs of my mind and tightened the screws of my intellect.
1And seeing the multitudes, Jesus went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him:  2And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,  3Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.  4Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.  5Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.  6Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
Matthew 5:1-6
20And he [Jesus] lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said, Blessed be ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of God.  21Blessed are ye that hunger now: for ye shall be filled. Blessed are ye that weep now: for ye shall laugh.  23Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven:
 Luke 6:20-21,23
All of the pieces of the puzzle coalesced into place to form an accurate picture of the truth. These people, this top 1% or 10% of the wealthiest, are hoarding all the money and riches so that the rest shall be without, so that the rest shall be meek, hungry, and poor in spirit so as to inherit the earth and reach the kingdom of heaven.

Preventing economic progress for the middle and lower classes is, in fact, the ultimate pursuit to maximize enrollment in God’s Kingdom. If our economy could be characterized as a rising tide that lifts all boats then this would entail that we would all be richer to some extent, which would subsequently reduce our chances of admission into heaven. After all, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God (Matthew 19:24). Conversely, when we approach the pearly gates poor and malnourished our likelihood of entry increases by about 300% at least. 

When viewed in this light, cuts to medicare and social security and other programs to help the poor to make possible tax cuts to the wealthiest make perfect, surreal, spiritual sense. These are policies oriented toward the actualization of the supreme goal of heaven for the most, hell for the few. 

In this supposed zero-sum game, those who earn more at the expense of the rest are therefore making a spiritual sacrifice for our gain. The next time you or anyone complains about how corrupt CEOs arrive to congressional hearings in private multimillion dollar jets, or about how some pay $500,000 plus just to transport their horses from one mansion to another, remember that they do so for our sake.  

In this regard, their self-sacrifice makes the wealthy emerge as the holiest of all of us. We ought to praise them as saviors for they are striving to save our souls from eternal damnation by stripping us of riches in this life. So do not let anyone fan the flames of class consciousness. Learn to push away all inclinations to class warfare. Instead, pity the rich for they have received their consolation in this life (Luke 6:24), but will suffer in the next.

[1] And by "the present day," I mean the present day when I took the class back in 2008, prior to the start of the Great Recession. Certainly these income gaps has widened since September of ’08.

 William Shakespeare: Sonnet 146

Poor soul, the centre of my sinful earth,
Feeding these rebel powers that thee array,
Why dost thou pine within and suffer dearth,
Painting thy outward walls so costly gay?
Why so large cost, having so short a lease,
Dost thou upon thy fading mansion spend?
Shall worms, inheritors of this excess,
Eat up thy charge? Is this thy body's end?
Then soul, live thou upon thy servant's loss,
And let that pine to aggravate thy store;
Buy terms divine in selling hours of dross;
Within be fed, without be rich no more:
So shall thou feed on Death, that feeds on men,
And Death once dead, there's no more dying then.

Friday, July 15, 2011

I, Too, Sing The Body Electric

A piece about electronic music1, working out, and how it all relates to the soul

O my body!
I believe the likes of you are to stand or fall with the likes of
the soul, (and that they are the soul).
The thin red jellies within you, or within me—the bones, and the marrow in the bones,
The exquisite realization of health;
O I say, these are not the parts and poems of the Body only, but of the Soul,
O I say now these are the Soul!
–Walt Whitman, I Sing The Body Electric2

Yo te traigo música con electromagnetos
Para que muevas todo el esqueleto,
Música hecha con buena onda
Para que brinquen como popcorn de microondas.
–Calle 13, Electro Movimiento
Electronica moves me …almost literally… like nothing else can. I plug my headphones into my iPod, put on my workout playlist, move to it, exercise to it. The music on that playlist gets me moving and keeps me going. Is it Hypnotism? Sit me in a chair, put that music on, and observe as I inevitably bob my head back and forth. Usually I would start dancing in my chair, but that privilege is reserved solely for moments of loneliness, for I have shame, in spite of what Yenny may say to the contrary. Jacqueline knows what I mean.

At the gym, doubtless I’ll have earbuds in my ears, wires down the side of my neck. That music! Ah, it gives me a strong impetus to continue as if the pounding rhythm demands another pushup, another lunge, another repetition, another step, lest my so called journey of a thousand miles end then and there if I throw in the towel.

Electronica is a sorcerer that galvanizes me; a mild dose of steroids injected in me; an emergency unleashing adrenaline in me; a defibrillator shocking and restoring the pulse in me. It is the fitness trainer I can’t afford yelling at me to get a few more reps in.

Numerous times have I tried working out to other types of music or to no music at all but to no avail, as if only Electronica can summon the energy to rise out of me. What is so special about it?   

Miguel, a first lieutenant in the army, tells me he has to memorize cadences to shout out while running with the rest of his platoon. He says calling cadences helps during runs. It forces you to regulate your breathing –a must, otherwise you’ll get winded and end prematurely, panting on the side of the road or the treadmill …in defeat. I’m not sure if it’s a man thing, but I’m not very fond of ending prematurely, panting in defeat.

What about for those not in the army, no fellow runners at their sides? Electronica to the rescue. No need for cadences to regulate breathing and pace. Breathing gets tied to the BEAT. Inhalation, exhalation are each chained to their appropriate musical bar. Each rep or step or whatever latches on to the BEAT when it has to.

Electronica, loud as it is, washes away whirring sounds from treadmills, ellipticals, stationary bikes, and clanging sounds from all sorts of resistance training machines.3 But above all else, ah, the joy of it. Electronica mitigates the “choriness” of the gym. It distracts me when I need to ignore the pain or helps me zone in when I need to focus on the burn. Varied as my beloved electronica is, it breaks the monotony of the exercise routine.

In my mind, electronica has become so powerfully associated with movement, so intertwined with bodily exertion of some kind that I have become one of Pavlov’s dogs to it. They hear the bell and salivate; I hear the music and innervate… then perspire. My physician has actually denied me access to this music during periods of illness and fatigue for fear that my inability to resist exercising will wreck my recovery.4

The primary pitfall for those wishing to maintain the workout routine is MOTIVATION, or rather the lack thereof. Rarely do I face that problem now. My motivation comes in through my ears, vibrates my mind and body, and radiates out through my limbs. Yes, conditioning is truly a powerful psychological tool.

O, friends, many feats have I accomplished whilst possessed by electronica that were once to me naught but unrealistic, out-of-reach goals:

A cursory set of examples:
  • Surpassing the previous pushups-in-one-set record of 23 with 30 pushups while listening to “Rombo” by the Bloody Beetroots & Congorock. (1.15.11)
  • Reducing my previous 3 mile run time from 35 minutes down to 29:50 while listening to “Christian Dior Denim Flow” & “Power (Remix)” both by Kanye West.  (3.31.11)
  • Running a mile in 7 minutes, 46 seconds mile while listening to Lady Gaga’s “Judas” & “Just Dance.”  (4.25.11)
  • Oh, and, of course, losing 70+lbs., listening to Electronica during virtually every workout.
I really do owe electronica my gratitude.

If “Music is the soundtrack of your life5” then
Electronica is the soundtrack to my weightloss, the score to my improving fitness.

[1] A note on the term: I use Electronica as an umbrella term to include actual electronica as well as hip-hop, rap, reggaetón, pop, house, electro, techno, etc., the common element among them being their use of electronic musical instruments and electronic technology in their production. E.g. music from, but not limited to: Lady Gaga, Kanye West, Black Eyed Peas, The Bloody Beetroots, Justice, Prodigy, Calle 13. I do realize I use the term “Electronica” very loosely. I’m not the type that dwells on categorizations and sub-categorizations.
[2] I took some artistic license and rearranged the lines of this poem.
[3] I just have to remind myself to take it easy with the volume. With all this loudness pounding my ears, I hope I don’t end up deaf at 50.
[4] Not really. I deny it to myself. Dr. Bir would probably tell me to avoid it though if it would make me want to work out that bad.
[5] Dick Clark

But not everyone is a fan. Some dismiss Electronica as too inorganic, too manufactured, too mindless, too shallow to carry any significant meaning. They claim it has no soul.  It is as if somehow the synthesizers, sequencers, drum machines, samplers, etc. have eviscerated Electronica of its connection to the human spirit.

In defense of Electronica, I call my first witness to the stand. What does Lady Gaga say?

“People believe that electronic music is soulless… and it’s not, and you know why it’s not? Because the soul that I feel from my fucking beautiful fans at my show cannot be a lie. It can’t. I’ve never in my life seen the intensity in their faces. I mean, they blood-suck and kill to be together. I mean, there’s glitter and there’s sweat, and they’re dancing and there’s hair bows and they believe in it so much. And it’s real. In those moments it’s real. They bring my music to life.”
–Lady Gaga

Amen, Gaga! She speaks against the charge leveled against her genre, invoking the soul her fans display effusively at her concerts. They believe in it so much and they make it real. Well said.

This argument that any type of music has no soul ought to be laid to rest here and now. All music has soul insofar as it nourishes the soul of the person that listens to it. The lyrical content/subject matter then is irrelevant, but the connection people have to the music, that is of paramount importance. 

Electronica is not just rhythmic noise without anything substantial to say. It says something if you are receptive to it. If the music has no relevance in your life, do not indict it and say it has no soul. If it does not speak to you that does not mean it does not speak.

Lady Gaga’s music speaks directly to her fans.
As a matter of fact, Lady Gaga speaks to me as if she were my personal trainer:

Whoo! Let’s go!
Half Psychotic, Sick hypnotic
got my blueprint its symphonic.
Half Psychotic, sick hypnotic
got my blueprint electronic.

Go! Use your muscle, carve it out,
work it, hustle!
I got it, just stay close enough to get it
Don't slow! Drive it, Clean it, Lysol, Bleed it,
Spend the last dough (I got it)
In your Pocko (I got it)
Just dance!

Lady Gaga encourages me and I run harder, better, faster, stronger. I work out and sweat to her music. It provides the inspiration and I give it exertion. It gives me life and I give it life in return. Symbiosis! So long as I have ears to hear and lungs to breathe, so long live her songs and they give life to me. The music, its message, its mood resonate within me. Doubtless, I’m not the only one that feels this way. I point to exhibit A!

Exhibit A

Exhibit A (Again, from a different point of view)

Ah, behold! Everyone united behind a pounding bass, an electronic pulse! Collective effervescence at its finest! Vivacity true and unrestrained! Vim and vigor! Music reverberating throughout the crowd! How can you deny that soul?

Still, others will persist and argue not against the content, but argue against the medium or the mood. They will say how can anything that is so loud, festive and layered have any soul? Or, how can anything made electronically have any soul?

Does soulful music only express pain? Is lonely introspection alone qualified for soul? What about accompanied jubilation? Do Beethoven’s solo piano sonatas carry more soul than his symphonies? Is there no soul in elaboration? Is there no soul in joy? Isn’t the soul expressed alike in joy and in sorrow?

Sure, a vocal performance backed by a single instrument like the piano feels more intimate than a fully produced song with dozens of people involved in its performance. But that doesn’t mean the latter can’t have soul. A critic for Rolling Stone, Rob Sheffield, says that Lady Gaga’s most recent album has a lot of excess, but adds that this “excess just amps up the emotion in the song. …That’s the achievement of Born this way: The more excessive Gaga gets, the more honest she sounds.” I wholeheartedly agree, Mr. Sheffield.

Is electronica less soulful merely because it is impossible to create unplugged? The technology behind it all renders it inorganic and unnatural? The whole apparatus of music is inorganic, then, in that sense. When was the last time you went and plucked guitar strings out of a tree? The only truly primordial musical instrument is the human voice. All others required our ingenuity to discover them and our technology to create them.

This idea that music heavily layered and produced in a studio through electronic technology is “soulless” is not a standalone idea; it is one caught in the current of a deeper sentiment –that electricity and technology in general are soulless, that they are impediments, obstructions to the expression of our true natures.

Why is everyone so anti-electricity anyway?

A friend of mine once lost her phone and said, “I feel so naked without my phone. That’s wrong, huh, that I’m so tied to my phone?” I said, “What’s wrong with that?”
“It’s so unnatural for people to be soooo tied to technology and all this electrical shit. It’s like I feel naked without it!”
“Well, clothes are technological too. Wouldn’t you feel so naked without your clothes too?”

What she says reveals a strain of thought that demands immediate rebuttal and refutation- that electricity is unnatural, it is inorganic, therefore against our nature.

It was the natural evolution of man to discover electricity, its utility, to harness and manipulate it. Electricity is a collective experience, an advantage handed down from one generation to the next.
We are homo sapiens, a species that knows, distinct from other species above else by our ability to use our knowledge to our advantage- our brains are our primary defining feature!

“Humans have a highly developed brain, capable of abstract reasoning, language, introspection, and problem solving. This mental capability, combined with an erect body carriage that frees the hands for manipulating objects, has allowed humans to make far greater use of tools than any other living species on Earth. Other higher-level thought processes of humans, such as self-awareness, rationality, and sapience are considered to be defining features of what constitutes a "person".”

Discovering electricity is not outside our nature then. On the contrary, it is precisely in our nature to utilize it as a tool. We would be primates without our tools and knowledge.  

What is more, any one that has ever taken a biology class can tell you: Electricity is IN US.

The body moves only by electronic communication between the brain and the limbs through
synapses and axons. ELECTRICITY IS OUR MOVING FORCE- It is what makes our actions and behaviors possible. All hitherto performed actions would not be possible without electricity then. Our whole lives would be impossible without it, so maybe we shouldn’t hate it so much.

Exercising has really remodeled my body –70 pounds lost and counting.

Every minute physical change in my body is a testament to my experience.
There’s inches around the waist lost,
double chin made single, veins more visible, muscles enlarged.
Written on my limbs is the history of my experience.
There are muscles flexed, tendons stretched;
neurons, axons, synapses all coordinated in orchestrated movement.
There’s breathing, inhaling, exhaling.
There’s endurance there, sweat, a heartbeat, a pulse. 
There’s pain there; satisfaction at overcoming it.
There’s previous defeats transformed into success.
There is STRENGTH… of body, of mind.
And of soul.

You can tell a lot about a person just by looking at them.

A Caveat before you confront me with this, the little saying: never judge a book by its cover –of course, I am not advocating trying to assess the content of a person’s moral character based solely on appearance. That’s just stupid. Good and Evil come to us in all fitness levels, as Cruella de Vil and Ursula have shown us.

But it is not wrong to collect information based on a person’s appearance. The body has an infinity of detail that can divulge so much about the person. Someone looking at me a few years ago would have been able to easily discern a propensity to indulge and a lack of exercise. And clearly they wouldn’t have been wrong.

Teachers instruct students to analyze literature, to break it down to discover its themes. Why not use those context clues learned in English to analyze the themes of the body and attempt to interpret them?

Look at someone with impressive musculature and you would not be foolish to connotatively guess or presume pride in that body. Anyone looking at me back then would be able to see my obesity and take an educated guess and read insecurity. And these guesses tend to be right. However, do not take that educated guess as 100% truth because it is after all, ipso facto, only a guess. If the soul is a ten-story house, the body is a first floor window into what the entire house looks like. It reveals a lot, yes, but only glimpses into the whole.

Anyone looking at my body the way it used to look, reading insecurity, indulgence, will have glimpsed an aspect of my soul –But just that, only a glimpse into the all of my soul.

And what is my soul?

The soul is memory. It is history. It grows, is nurtured by my behavior, my actions. It is a collection of experiences, a culmination of the past, all made possible by this body and its electricity.

Numerous faiths conceive of the body as an impediment, a hindrance to whatever spiritual end -heaven, nirvana, enlightenment, etc., as if the body imprisons the soul; mundane biological needs and desires forming the bars of that incarceration.

I have no theological clout whatsoever to dispute these religious claims, but, on the face of it, I am inclined to disagree. The body is not the enemy of the soul, but an element of the soul, a part of it. 

This body, the incubator of the soul, has history written all over it. It gives details to the contents of that soul. These stretch-marks all over my body are tattooed on the incorporeal soul. Blemishes and beauty alike are recorded on it; they are written there; they form a part of my physical/spiritual experience. They are part of my history, have helped construct what I am and who I am. I cannot deny them.

The body and the soul are not separate entities, but more like different aspects of the same thing. They are not opposing forces. One is more like a reflection of the other.

Walt Whitman saw this and he sings the body electric.

I, too, sing the body electric and praise the body electronica. Its indefatigable rhythms and pulses have revolutionized my body and helped alter the content of my soul.

So Dance. Alors on Danse! Go out there and Pump up the jam. Work out, exercise, be active and enjoy the music. Working out does the body good and it’ll do the soul some good too.

Writing this piece has been somewhat difficult because I get this insatiable urge to go work out as I listen to the music that inspires this essay. I am literally bobbing my head, dancing in my chair, as I type, listening to Congorock’s “Babylon.”

I think I’ll go work out now. 

Self-portrait 3.31.11 in my garage after running
I know that, based on all my talk about exercise, this photo of me must be disappointing, for I am not an impressive specimen displaying awe-inspiring musculature. But, people, I am a work in progress. Wait for the forthcoming self-portrait a few years from now, and when you see that, you’ll be singing a different tune.


  • Calle 13- Electro Movimiento
  • Bloody Beetroots ft. Congorock- ROMBO
  • Kanye West – Christian Dior Denim Flow
  • Kanye West – Power (Remix)
  • Lady Gaga – Just Dance (Ft. Colby Odonis)
  • Lady Gaga – Judas
  • Kanye West –Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
  • Congorock- Babylon
  • Stromae- Alors on Danse
  • Technotronic- Pump up the Jam